To discuss your employee relations or to obtain information on services or billing arrangements, please contact:

Joseph Nierenberg
120 South Sixth Street, Suite 1515
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Find our office

Main phone: (612) 440-3368

Or send a message by completing this form online:


    Name (required)

    Email (required)

    Phone (required)


    Comment or question (required)


    1. This form does not create an attorney-client relationship.
    2. We intend to respond personally to all serious inquiries, but there may be delays for technical or other reasons.  If you do not hear from us by the end of the next business day, please call.
    3. This form creates an e-mail message, and it is always possible, although not likely, that e-mail can be delayed, misrouted, or intercepted by others.  Please do not include confidential information in this form.
    4. Please do not rely on the submission of this form or the expectation of a response as a reason to delay taking steps that might have legal significance.